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Spring Equinox: Celebrating Light and Embracing Renewal

The spring equinox is the start of the spring season in the Northern Hemisphere. Humans have always cherished light, and spring is the season associated with rebirth, renewal, light and colours.

Different civilisations over the millennia have welcomed spring in their own traditional ways. Some celebrated the spring equinox by making special gatherings and preparing meals, while others considered it the beginning of a new year and associated it with the very essence of life.

Why is it called Spring Equinox?

In the Northern Hemisphere, the spring equinox starts on March 20-21 every year. While the word equinox is a combination of two Latin words, which means equal and night. The word equinox is used here because this is the time when sunlight equally reaches both the north and south poles.

The earth is tilted 23.5 degrees, due to which we have four seasons during the year. So just when spring starts in the Northern Hemisphere, in the Southern Hemisphere it is the start of autumn.

This means when the days start getting longer in the north, nights start getting longer in the Southern Hemisphere.

spring equinox

In spring, those countries that are in the Northern Hemisphere will have more sunlight, more greenery and more flowers. Countries like Germany and Japan come in this category.

Countries that are on the equator will not have any major changes because they get 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night throughout the whole year. Countries like Ecuador, Malaysia and Singapore will fall in this category.

Whereas countries like Chile, Australia and South Africa will see the start of shorter days and longer nights, and hence they will have colder months during these times.

Significance of Spring Equinox in Different Cultures

The arrival of spring has been central to many civilisations in the Northern Hemisphere. From the start of a new year to crop cultivation, different cultures have been celebrating spring for thousands of years. Some of the most prominent ones are mentioned here:

  • Nowruz in Persian culture marks the start of spring and the New Year. For over 3,000 years, Nowruz played a key role in the Persian culture, as it symbolises renewal and rebirth. For thousands of years, Zoroastrian traditions have celebrated the arrival of spring, and people used to cook special meals and perform rituals to welcome the New Year. Today, Nowruz is celebrated in Iran and many Central Asian countries with the same zeal.
  • Shunbun no Hi is celebrated in Japan, and it is also a public holiday there. People celebrate their traditions, honour their ancestors, visit graves, and do family get-togethers to welcome spring.
  • Mayans used to celebrate the arrival of spring by gathering around different worshipping sites. For instance, people used to gather in the historical city of Chichen Itza to mark the arrival of spring and the arrival of fall on September 22-23. They also used to align their sowing season with the spring equinox.
spring equinox

How Can Spring Impact our Mood?

There are many countries that have 12-hour days and 12-hour nights, such as Singapore and other countries on the equator. So in these countries people are not exposed to very long nights or days.

However, countries like Canada, Russia, Germany, etc., have very short nights in winters and long days in summers. Nights can be as long as 18 hours in these countries in winter.

These seasonal changes in weather cause mood changes. Many people feel down when winter starts but feel active in spring and summer, mainly due to the high amount of daylight. If you face serious problems due to seasonal changes, you may be affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder.

spring equinox

There are so many ways in which you can welcome spring. Set your new goals, reconnect with nature, practice self-care, connect with family and friends and plan new indoor as well as outdoor activities.

The spring equinox brings an opportunity to start a new schedule for outdoor activities. You can just start with a 20-minute small walk after work. A parking lot near your home could be a good option for such an activity. To do something for good brain activity, you can read a few pages of a book or anything that is engaging for you.


The spring equinox is associated with huge cultural celebrations. It brings colours, new leaves and flowers on the plants and trees, and most importantly – light. For thousands of years spring has provided an opportunity for people to come together, celebrate, and welcome a new life.

The powerful and beautiful message of spring has been enriching for so many cultures. We can hope that spring will continue to make our lives more colourful and inspiring for centuries to come.

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