
What Is Applied Arts illustration? A Complete Guide


  • Applied arts serve a practical function, in contrast to fine arts, which are produced for aesthetic expression.
  • Applied arts illustration is a creative field, and those who are attracted to this field are interested in drawing and creating things with the help of their imagination.
  • Most jobs in illustration were concentrated in big cities; however, now new opportunities are also growing in smaller cities.

A diploma in applied arts illustration can be a great choice for those who love drawing and animation. In this blog we will talk about the benefits of the applied arts illustration diploma program and the career opportunities that one can get after getting this diploma.

What Is Applied Arts illustration?

The term “applied arts” describes how creative abilities and concepts are applied to useful or functional undertakings and items. Applied arts serve a practical function, in contrast to fine arts, which are produced for aesthetic expression.

Industrial design, graphic design, interior design, fashion design, animation, ceramic arts, automotive design, visual and promotional materials, and other crafts are some of the examples of applied arts.

applied arts illustration

Applied artists employ their artistic abilities to improve the overall design, utility, and beauty of commonplace items, giving them a utilitarian purpose while also making them aesthetically pleasing. People in this field frequently combine technological expertise, artistic expression, and end-user needs consideration.

What Kind Of A Career You Can Have?

Illustrators usually work in industries like book publishing, fabric designing, marketing and advertising agencies, automotive designing, magazines, industries that use animations, the film industry, online and digital distribution, etc.

applied arts illustration

They use computer-aided design (CAD) software to create realistic or representational illustrations for different industries. Illustrators also make sketches by hand according to the requirements of the industry. They create or assist in creating storyboards when they work in television, films, multimedia, and other such entertainment-related industries.

Should You Do A Diploma?

The fact that you were drawn to this blog and have already read it until here means you are interested in exploring more about illustration. Applied arts illustration is a creative field, and those who are attracted to this field are interested in drawing and creating things with the help of their imagination. A diploma or a degree in illustration can definitely enhance your natural talents and improve your employability, but what matters most is what you want out of your career in this field. 

If you are interested in an illustration diploma, you can check out Edison College’s Applied Arts Illustration Diploma. This one-year, all-inclusive diploma specifically prepares students for a career in illustration. Another important feature of this diploma is that you can also do it online if you cannot take in-person classes.

applied arts illustration

Students can learn the history of illustration as well as theoretical, technical, and conceptual elements according to the program’s design. Additionally, it teaches students how to work in a variety of illustration genres, including comics, graphic novels, picture books, editorial art, and more. Each student may hone their abilities and create their own marketing style thanks to the program’s courses, which also cover analog and digital techniques.

Applied Arts Illustration Career Opportunities In BC

Earlier, most jobs in illustration were concentrated in big cities; however, now new opportunities are also growing in smaller cities. Moreover, remote work opportunities are also growing fast, which means you do not need to live in big cities to secure a job. Large companies like retailers, banks, and insurance companies are also hiring in-house designers and illustrators, which has increased the chances of employment opportunities.

Nevertheless, over 80% of such job opportunities are still concentrated in the Mainland/Southwest of BC.

applied arts illustration

Graphic designers and illustrators earn an annual salary of $65,175 if they have a college diploma and an experience of two years or more, according to WorkBC. Most of the future job openings in BC over the next decade are expected in these sectors:

  • Professional, scientific, and technical services
  • Information, culture, and recreation
  • Retail trade
  • Manufacturing
  • Wholesale trade


Applied arts illustration is a rewarding profession. It provides you an opportunity to grow continuously by learning new skills and software to adapt with the changing market conditions. It also provides freelancing opportunities; thus, one can create a good portfolio and get work opportunities online.

If you are looking for a career in illustration, start doing research about career opportunities as a freelancer so that you can also do some side business along with your full-time job. If you have questions or concerns, you can contact us today to learn more.

Read more industry-related blogs here.

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