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World Cancer Day 2025: Which Types of Cancer Cases are Common in Canada?


  • Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide.
  • At least over 10 million people died due to cancer in 2020.
  • With over 25% of cases, breast cancer is the leading type of cancer in females in Canada.
  • In males, prostate cancer accounts for 22% of all new cases in Canada.
  • In Canada, an estimated 241 people lost their lives every day in 2024.
  • Let’s commit to ourselves on this World Cancer Day that we will give a little more attention to what we eat every day.
  • Exercise and a good diet can directly help you in 13 cancer types, such as prostate, breast, colon, pancreatic, etc.

Every year the world observes World Cancer Day on February 4. Cancer affects millions of people around the world. It has become such a big issue that some experts believe cancer prevention is one of the most substantial public health challenges of the 21st century.

Cancer: How big is this threat?

Cancer is affecting people in all parts of the world. It was causing over 10 million deaths by 2020, which means one in 6 deaths all over the world is related to cancer. Some of the most common cancer types in the world are lung, breast, prostate, colon and rectum cancers. Many of the deaths related to cancer are those that could be prevented with early detection.

Over 50% of cancer deaths are only related to three types, namely, breast, lung, colon and rectum cancers. Researchers say over one third of the cancer-related deaths are due to alcohol, tobacco, high body mass index, lack of physical activity, low vegetable and fruit consumption, etc. It is crucial to observe the World Cancer Day as it provides us an annual opportunity to discuss about the growing problems related to cancer.

Let’s not leave this responsibility only to organisations like the United Nations to spread awareness about cancer. Let’s talk to our friends and family members on this World Cancer Day about different types of cancer and how we can help others.

World Cancer Day: Cases of Incidences and Deaths in Canada

The number of new cancer cases is called incidences, while deaths due to cancer are recorded as mortality. The estimated number of incidences was 247,100, whereas the deaths were 88,100 in 2024 in Canada. This means 675 diagnoses of cancer cases every day and daily 241 deaths in Canada.

Gender-wise distribution of cases shows there are more diagnoses of cancer in males than females. For instance, an estimated 127,000 males were diagnosed with cancer compared to 120,000 females in 2024.

significance of world cancer day

World Cancer Day: Common Cancer Cases in Canada?

Considering the high number of deaths due to cancer, we need to observe World Cancer Day on a much larger scale to spread awareness about it. The most common type of cancer in males is prostate cancer. About 22% of new cancer cases in 2024 were only related to this type.

Whereas breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in females in Canada. Over 25% of all new cases in 2024 were estimated to be only related to this type of cancer in females.

world cancer day data

However, the second leading type of cancer in both males and females is lung cancer. The third biggest type of cancer in both genders is also the same, and it is colorectal cancer.

world cancer day data

Can Good Diet and Exercise Lower Cancer Risk?

Yes, a balanced diet and regular exercise could reduce cancer risk. Exercise and a good diet directly help you in 13 cancer types, such as prostate, breast, colon, pancreatic, etc. When you are active and keep a healthy weight, you automatically lower your chances of getting cancer.

You just need to be a bit active to achieve this target. This means you do not need to join a gym or become a professional runner. A bit of heart-pumping exercise is enough to keep your body in a good balance.

Sitting is not good for our body. Any kind of movement is better than sitting, as it reduces the risk of several types of cancer, heart problems, obesity, type 2 diabetes, etc. It is better if you do activities such as fast bicycling, running, jogging, swimming, and tennis. If not, you can still do moderate activity such as brisk walking, garden maintenance, or light bicycling to keep you active and fit. Even if you cannot do these activities, lower amounts of activity will still help you.

Let’s commit to ourselves on this World Cancer Day that we will give a little more attention to what we eat every day.


Scientists are doing research to understand cancer. Many advanced countries are also sharing their knowledge with other countries. Today, we know more than ever about the causes of cancer. The modern healthcare system is also more equipped to save the lives of cancer patients.

Some people believe that cancer is only a problem of rich and advanced countries. This is not true. The high number of cancer cases in rich countries is because they have better cancer detection facilities. Middle-income and poor countries also have this problem, but most cases go undetected.

On this World Cancer Day, let’s reaffirm our commitment that we will continue to play our part in fight against this deadly disease.

This means people are also losing their lives in poor countries, but we have very little data about it. That is why scientists believe cancer is a much bigger problem than many of us believe it is. Scientists say we can prevent between 30% and 50% of cancers by just implementing modern strategies. We can also prevent it by having a good diet and healthy lifestyle. Let us share all this information with our friends and family to defeat cancer.

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